Find out what your kids are doing on the
Internet with SpyBuddy
The ExploreAnywhere Software SpyBuddy 2012contains a set of the most popular, award winning computer monitoring
and restriction utilities and applications available to date. Parental
Control Suite includes SpyBuddy, the number one solution for total
PC monitoring, WebMail Spy, the only solution available today that
gives you access to monitoring web-based e-mail (such as HotMail
and Yahoo! Mail) as well as all AOL e-mail, and ChatBlocker, the
application of choice by many administrators and parents alike that
gives you the ability to monitor, restrict, and moderate all chat
sessions on your PC.
The Parental Control Suite is one of the slickest
and easiest to use programs that we have tested. Here is how it
Ideally, all parents should know how to monitor their
children's Internet usage, but they often have no idea how to do
so. Parents are also dangerously unaware of what their children
are actually doing online. A recent survey suggested that more than
half the 9-19 year olds who go online have been exposed to pornographic
material - but only one in six parents was aware that their child
had ever seen such images. Some other statistics that should make
all parents want to monitor children's Internet usage include:
- 20% of the estimated 24 million children now online have
been solicited for sex by an Internet Predator in the last year
- 25% of children have received pornographic images in the
mail, and a tenth of these were were sent by someone the child already
- Teens between the ages of 12 and 17 spend an average of
25 minutes each day with instant messaging applications, but often
have no way of knowing who they're actually talking to - What a
With a Parental Control Suite you can:
- Monitor and track all PC and Internet activity!
- Restrict, Record, and Moderate Online Chatting!
- Monitor all AOL and web-based e-mail messages viewed.
- And more
Recent surveys on Internet usage suggest that a wide generation
gap is opening up between parents and children. In the US, nearly
50% of all children have access to the Internet from home. Of children
over the age of eight, one in five has a computer in their own bedroom.
Growing up with the Internet means that these children are quite
comfortable and knowledgeable about the web and how it works - but
that doesn't mean that they are prepared for everything that they
might encounter.
Child Internet safety is an enormously important
issue, but how well is it actually being handled? Do you know what
your kids are doing while they are on the internet? Do you want
to know if they are chatting with an Internet Predator before it's
too late?
The ExploreAnywhere Parental Control Suite can be purchased
for over $30 cheaper than it would cost to purchase the products
Want some more reasons to use the Parental Control Suite to monitor your kids online activities? Read some of the recent stories about Internet Predators in the news.